I've been spending time working on an Obama quilt for a special exhibit, details to follow with pics of the work later. I have been ill physically which to me is a signal that my Spirit needs some healing also. I have been dealing with things of the heart lately, missing loved ones more than ever and trying to put some chaos in my life back in order. Crying is healing so I have been doing a bit of that also. I think I read somewhere that tears release some chemical that has no other way of leaving your body so I guess if that's true then consider me cleansed!
This morning we went to the mountain, which I consider a healing place in itself, a kind of church if you will. Anyway it was a bit cool, fierce winds and a slight mist was falling, very magical. The dog noticed some deer so we got to watch a doe and her fawn cross our path at some distance. We were all silent as they moved up the moss covered rocks through the trees, it was beautiful. Deer medicine tells us to accept those as they are with love and peace in our hearts.
We made it back home just before the heavy down pour and then my down pour of tears started again. Just at that moment I looked out the window at the yellow sky and suddenly there was a rainbow. A beautiful rainbow and then another. They both intensified in color and then would fade. It made me think about all the meanings of rainbows: covenant, prosperity, hope, the healing number of 7 (7 colors meaning listed below), the hem of the Sun Gods coat, the souls of wildflowers from the forest, heaven, harmony, magik, faith, and healing.
I took some pictures to share and to remind me that even when I don't see them, there are rainbows in life filled with magic waiting for us to pass through. I pray that you will find healing, magic, hope and promise in your day. I wish you rainbows.

V-Violet: Violet is a combination of the colors red and blue. This is the highest and the subtlest specialization of light. This is because it is at the opposite end of the red color. This color is viewed as the completion as well as the beginning of the energy vibration. Different shades of violet have varied meanings. A deep purple symbolizes high spiritual attainment and a pale shade symbolizes love for humanity. The shade violet brings about a stabilizing factor to the frenzied shades of red.