Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter solstice and embracing the darkness

Let go of who you were, who you thought you would be and embrace who you are right now, today! Embrace your inner Star Child and celebrate you!

Last night was the first total lunar eclipse to fall on a winter solstice in 372 years. A significant event on several levels. It was a historical event and it marked the beginning of winter, however the most meaningful to me is that it was a turning point in consciousness levels all over the world. 

Being in the dark so to speak can cause us to stress, but it's only for a brief time.The light always follows. And it's in the light where we can truly see our self and our next steps in our journey on this Good Red Road. One of the teachers of our time, Starhawk shared about this scared event. "Solstice reminds us that no darkness, no loss, no grief or disappointment is final. "Out of darkness, light is born. Every ending gives rise to a new beginning. Out of disappointment and despair comes new courage, new hope." 

The Mayan calendar tells us that the next few days the energy is strong and we should embrace change both personally and globally. It is time to create our life, our world as we would like it to be. What kind of life do you dream of? What healing is needed for our Mother Earth and our Spirits? What do we need to create, embrace or shed? I encourage you to dream big, clean house, and move forward. This year the Earth is directly aligned with the Milky Way's galactic center, which is where the stars are born. So get busy and give birth to your inner star!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gingerbread Casita

When my children we young I would let them have fun eating and decorating  a gingerbread casita.This year I thought I would make my own with my Beloved.  It was messy but quite tasty with cafe. We had different styles in our approach. So one side(mine) is over done with dulces and the other side a more modern "snow drift" only.

And whats a house without residents. My skeleton wedding couple fell out of my holiday ornament so I added them to the house.
Yes skeletons at the holiday, I wouldnt think of having any kind of party without the ancestors!

Hope your holiday is filled with the sweetness of life!

Holiday Chicana Aspie style!

Chocolate and marshmallow buddies!
Well, it's full swing into the holiday season and however you celebrate or not, I hope it's not a time for overload, but of calming peace with whatever and whomever brings you joy! The following is a Chicana Aspie Aritst experience about this time of year.

As an Aspie (person with Aspergers) the holidays can  be a real challenge or a great sense of wonder especially for the artist part of me. Its all in how the day goes and if I watch out for the overload, protect my quiet time, and make sure I wear what I call my "Chicana warrior shield" to keep the negative energy away and screen the input.

For instance, it can be a total sensory overload with scratchy bulky sweaters that make you hold your arms out like Randy in The Christmas Story movie. So this year my Beloved introduced me to a new type of layering that doesn't involve bulk. I know you NTs (Neural typicals vs Aspies) are saying "well, yeah!" But for Aspies we need help with what I call the "simple and obvious". We have a blindness to certain things and one of them is fashion. No matter how I try to study, research, and focus, I am still blind. I literally have a "blank" for certain things and while it is a biological fact,  I keep trying to outsmart it.  I dream of the day someone creates an adult version of the Garanimals with tags that let you know what goes with what. I just go for texture and color which can get me into a mess because sometimes my eyes are reading great combinations for art and not what to wear on my body. Needless to say, I can be pretty creative with my attire at home. For other places, I have what I call "my drag" to fit the scene. Ok, so back to the holiday.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cultural Harmony Closing Keynote Message: Speak Up!

Dr. Andre Guerrero, Director of Programs for Language Minority Students in Arkansas
Celebrating Cultural Harmony Conference 2010

This is a portion of my keynote address for the closing session of the Fifth Annual Welcome the Children Celebrating Cultural Harmony conference. Included are segments of the Speak Up! Teaching Tolerance Project from Southern Poverty Law Center with permission.

...thank you. Working to understand others who may not be like us can be difficult, challenging. Sometimes we need to shift our ways of being, thinking, and acting. This can and does stretch us outside of our comfort zone. And this is where the learning takes place. As one of my sheroes Gloria Anzaldua said, I change myself, I change the world.

We have been talking about differences for three days now at this conference. Dr, Andre Guerrero reminded us to do no harm and reach for the courage. Maria Palacios shared about finding our personal power as we embrace all of who we are. They both mentioned that we are many layers that create who we are. In my workshops I often refer to our "personal backpack" of experiences. How we are each born with a backpack. We have some things in it from those who came before us and as we go through life we add experiences to it. And this is the lens of how we view the world and each other. Sometimes we only see the surface and as one of the speakers mentioned in their session we think we know who someone is but do we really. We have to make the investment, go with intention and ask questions, dig deeper. Only then can we make the authentic connection to another human being.

You may know Welcome The Children Project (WTC) as a conference. But WTC is more than just this conference we are a year round project with training, a resource library, e bulletin list and leadership and trainer resource.  Just as you might have made assumptions about WTC we make assumptions about people without first asking questions or digging deeper to find out more. Its in the finding out more where we begin to build bridges. As Gloria Anzaldua says, Voyager, there are no bridges, one builds them as one walks. Its not an easy task.I remember what my Grandfather said, "if its worth something its worth working for."

Its risky sharing all of who we are and sometimes we choose not to reveal who we are because we are afraid of rejection. Afraid because we have been taught to separate not to communicate. But when we dare to take the risk to reveal with another human being then we can begin the dialog. 

How many of us in this room work with people?  Does your job involve people not just your coworkers but real live other human beings? As service providers, counselors, social workers, teachers and others who work with people of all ages and abilities we need to structure for success for ourselves just as we do for others. And that can mean we may need to take a risk. 

As we start to take risks sometimes we make mis-takes it takes practice and we have to be loving with one another as we take up this work. But sometimes unknowingly we can cause an "ouch" for another. Just yesterday in the presenters room we brought in lunch from the hotel. One of my Latina sisters decided we needed a bit of comfort food of our own so she brought us some tacos with "all the fixins" as we say in Tejas. There were Latinas from different backgrounds in the room of all ages. There were also White and Black presenters, volunteers, and staff. The room sparkled with English, Spanish and Spanglish as they each shared a meal and stories. Building new friendships and renewing old ones. Just as I was getting up someone came into the room and said, "It smells like Mexican in here" 

Now I know the woman who made the comment didn't mean any malice in her statement. She was not Latina and I am sure didn't think before she made the statement. She was just making a comment because the room was very fragrant at the time. But it was an "ouch" for those of us who were Mexican or of Mexican decent. When we get an "ouch" one way to heal it is to find an ally and share it. Little "ouches" can build up so healing is important. I shared it with a couple of close Latinas sisters in the room, one dear friend who I haven't seen in over ten years back in Houston. We joked about it, started smelling each other to see if there was any truth to the statement. And laughed. Sometimes laughter with an ally is the only healing medicine for these small "ouches". And they can build up and cause real emotional and physical challenges if you don't find an outlet. So know that as we grow in our walk we will most likely give and receive "ouches" so be aware and be prepared to take charge of your healing.

I have a personal life philosophy of not asking others something that I am not willing to give or do myself. So today I am asking you to step up, take a risk and share more of who you are to another, so I will start. I am more than just the conference speaker chair and WTC consultant trainer. I am Latina, Tejana, Chicana, a Mother, Grandmother. I have a life partner whom I love dearly. I am a person with an invisible disability. I’m an exhibiting and selling artist, writer, spoken word artist.  And I use art, education and dialog to do social justice work wherever I may be. I am many, many layers. 

Now I just took a risk and shared with all of you more about who I am. I have not changed, but have you changed how you see me? Is there something I said that made you shift about how you might work with me, approach me? I’m  the same, its you that has maybe changed. You see in revealing we invite others to accept us. And the risk lies in the fact that they may reject us. Sometimes we want others to reveal to make our work easier. We ask families and children to share with us as service providers, teachers, and counselors. They are taking a risk.  Are you? Are you opening yourself up to build rapport, begin or continue the relationship?

 Each of us in this room has a story to share. This community we have created over the past three days has been a place where we can be a hero or shero for another. Right now I would like you to take a few minutes to reflect on the sessions and keynotes you have attended. 

What touched you? What spoke to your Spirit? What caused you to stretch yourself to view the world through another's eyes? What did you learn about yourself? Did someone reveal to you in a session? At lunch or dinner? In the hall or at break? Take a moment and I will ask that when you are ready please raise your hand and give us a brief reflection about your experience.  Please be authentic in your sharing.
 (At this point in the keynote I stopped and participants took the mic and shared from the heart. They shared stories, cried, laughed, and spontaneously sang a faith song. I applauded them for stretching and being open.)

Thank you for sharing. Attending this conference is a step, a first step. As with experiential learning we are at the place in our shared learning experience where we are reflecting. It’s important that we do this as individuals before we leave to take this shared experience back to our daily work and lives. So we don’t lose it.

 Please take out your program and turn to the pages that say notes in the back. I want you to write down the next steps in this process. It is our collective responsibility to take what we have gathered these past few days and move forward. By doing this step we are at the "now what" part of our experience. Now that we have this information how do we take this back with love, passion, and commitment to our communities?

In my walk on this Good Red Road of life I have called on many resources to build my "tool belt "of skills. I want to share with you one of the resources that I think fits our experience, Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance Project. If you are an educator or work with children, youth and families it’s a valuable resource of information. Websites, lesson plans, book lists, activities and more. http://www.tolerance.org/
Today what I want to share with you is called the "Speak up!" project The project has Six Steps to speaking up. So if you would, let’s focus on these steps and how we can use them in our work and life.

Now I am being authentic with you when I say its not easy…but its worth it. Whatever your situation if you remember these six steps it will help you to speak up against everyday bigotry. In any situation, assess your safety, both physical and emotional. There is a risk, and that must be acknowledged as you make your own choice to Speak up!

We have all encountered moments in work or daily life that have challenged us. Those situations where someone has used an inappropriate term, joke, word or phrase that made us uncomfortable. We know its going to happen. So be ready.

Summon your courage, whatever it takes to get that courage. How will you find your courage? What is it that propels you to step up? Where does your courage come from? Is it an experience you have had where you were faced with bigotry? A family member, your parents, your children, your spouse/partner, a close friend? Was it an elder or maybe a historical event past or recent that touched you? Was it something from your childhood that causes you to call up your courage?
My courage comes from the fear and anger of being the only Latina child in an all White classroom and a teacher who thought she was doing good for me but wasn’t. Her words were everyday "ouches" that Ied to emotional scars. Scars that I wear as a battle cry to be a brave warrior, take a risk, and speak up. That is why I do the work I do.To speak up so that I might make the path more clear for those that follow me. I would like you to take a moment and picture that experience, person or event. Next to where your wrote Be ready I want you to write, my courage comes from and then list the person, experience or event.

Now that you have identified your courage source I want you to think about what you might say when a situation arises. To boost your courage have something to say in mind before an incident happens. We use open ended questions in our work  so open ended questions are often good ways to start. You can say something like, “Why did you say that?” “How did you develop that belief?” By asking questions it shifts the situation.

Sometimes pointing out the behavior helps someone hear what they are really saying. Clarifying what is said sheds light on it. Again as we do when we work with children, youth, or adults we know how to separate the behavior from the person. Try to avoid labeling, name calling, or the use of loaded terms like racist, homophobic, or sexist. If we use names we can bring up a wall, remember the goal is to communicate not alienate.

If the speaker is someone you have a relationship with – relative, friend, co worker, call on their higher principles. “I’ve always thought of you as a fair-minded person, I can't believe you would say something that sounds so bigoted.”

Remember people are complex. What they say in one moment is not necessarily an indication of everything they think. Sometimes there may be situations were there is group think going on; and I don't know when that has ever been a good thing. Group think usually means no one is thinking. But the pressure to belong and not go against the group can be great. So social belonging may be the reason for the statement and by appealing to their core principles you can begin the conversation.

You can’t control another person. I have raised children and if you have you know that its true, you cant control another person. But you can say, “Don’t tell those jokes in my presence anymore. If you do I will leave.” Or “My workplace is not the place I allow bigoted remarks to be made. I cant control what you say outside of this space but here I ask that you respect my wishes.” Then be sure you follow through and if you have to leave then do so.

The point is to draw the line, to say “I don’t want you to use that language when I’m around". Even if attitudes wont change you have shut off the behavior. You limit the chances of more people having to hear it.

When doing this kind of work to end everyday bigotry its important to seek out like-minded people. Take a look around the room there are people here who can be an ally to you. Ask for support in whatever ways they can.

Don’t forget to return the favor, be an ally. If you aren’t the first voice to speak up against everyday bigotry, then be the next voice!

Always speak up, don’t be silence by fear. Draw from that courage source and build your allies. To be an ally means we lead by example, model and inspire others to do the same. Lets not leave walking wounded.

I recently read an article about happiness vs. elevation. There were two control groups. The first one was shown a tape of people doing funny things. The second group was shown a tape of people helping others. The group with the happy tape responded with happiness and wanted to feel more, they wanted another happy hit. The group that witnessed people helping others, were motivated to go out and do something for others. The pass it forward kind of experience. As I prepared for this keynote I came across this quote by one of my favorite teachers, Howard Zinn. "To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness...If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and... places (and there are so many) where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act...”
Remember its our collective responsibility to challenge bigotry to make a better place for the Greater Good and for our communities.

Remember change happens slowly, and people take small steps. When I first came out my Mother didn’t speak to me for years. This year for the first time in over ten years I am going home to my Mothers home and welcomed with my life partner to celebrate the holidays. Keep the faith, miracles can happen. Change takes time, small steps are important steps.

Speaking up to everyday bigotry is not something we accomplish but something we integrate into who we are everyday. It’s an ongoing process. Stay prepared and keep speaking up. Don’t risk silence.

Just as you would speak up if someone were in physical danger or harm speak up and say something. You can always go back and add to it rather than wish you had said something. As my Grandfather would say, "do something, even if its wrong."  You can always go back and add something just intervene. If you don’t speak up, you surrender part of yourself. You let bigotry win.

I had the opportunity to spend time with a friend’s kindergarten classroom a few years ago. She invited me because of my community work using art and cross cultural dialog. Let me first ask in order to be respectful to all of you as I tell this story, do you prefer White, Caucasian or Euro American? Black or African American? This is relevant to the story otherwise I would not use the ethnic descriptor. Thank you.

We decided we would have the children make puppets. I brought skin tone paper cut outs and the children selected and decorated them. Then we got in a circle to share and each child was asked to tell us about what they created. If you have ever worked with young children or have any in your life then you know that you never know what they will say when you ask open-ended questions. That day we heard stories not of childhood innocence but of real life experiences. Stories of who was being raised by a Grandmother, who had a family member in prison, and one child was in foster care. I was happy to see that each one shared and the entire group listened and respected each others stories.

But there was one story that I stuck with me to this day. A girl shared about her recent experience at a summer camp where she was the only White child enrolled. She said the other girls wouldn’t play with her because she didn’t have the same braids and hair that they did and how that made her cry because she was different.

One of the little Black girls in the class said yes I remember that happening and I went to hug her. I smiled and thought that was the end of the story and how as children we naturally comfort one another.

But the little girl continued. She said, " I was so angry with them I grabbed her hand and took her over to those mean girls and said they were mean. Then I told them to look at her face and I know she has white skin but she is a nice girl and we should play with her too. I just looked at them and grabbed her face again and said look into her eyes I know that we can play with her because I know there has to be a Black girl in there somewhere inside."

I smiled and realized what she was saying. She made the choice to see beyond the differences and to speak up. In her own way she was telling the group that beneath the surface of who we see and what we think we see we are all human. It was one of my greatest lessons. She was both human and kind  in her gesture to speak up. Children are not just our future but they are our teachers of today if we step back and listen. They remind us that human kindness, dignity, respect, and love are what we all need and want. So if this kindergarten child can speak up, I know you can! 
Lets practice. I want you to post this phrase where you can see it every day, "I will speak up". So lets do a call and response I will make a statement and then you will respond with , I will speak up!
When faced with discrimination or emotional injury to myself 
I will speak up
When I hear sexist comments, jokes or stereotypes
I will speak up
In the face of anti immigrant discrimination or exclusion
I will speak up
When I hear someone not using people first language
I will speak up
In the face of disability discrimination and or exclusion
I will speak up
When I hear homophobic slurs or stereotypes
I will speak up
When I hear jokes about some one challenged by addiction and or mental health
I will speak up
When I hear negative comments about homeless or poor individuals, children, and families
I will speak up
In the face of racism
I will speak up
When I hear negative comments in reference to age young or older
I will speak up
When I hear someone make a negative comment about some one's size or physical appearance
I will speak up
When a family is discriminated against because of family composition or having a family member in prison
I will speak up
When I witness negative, hurtful actions or words against any human being
I will speak up

Thank you for speaking up Thank you for being a part of this learning community for the past three days. Go in a Good Way and be Good Medicine to one another.
Thank you, Gracias, Tlazocamati

Here are some of the fabulous conference workshop presenters! 

Maria Palacios, writer, disability activist, national spoken word artist and long time hermana from Htown!

Minijean Trickey, one of the Little Rock Nine, cross cultural educator http://www.minnijean.com/  Spirit Trickey, writer, community educator

             Randi Randles, President and Principal Learning Strategist of Contigo Learning Experience and Certified Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Practitioner

Bob and Mary Lou Wallner, featured in an article in People magazine (November 19, 2007), as well as the award-winning documentary film, For The Bible Tells Me So.They are the founders of TEACH-ministries. TEACH is the acronym for: To Educate About the Consequences of Homophobia.  http://teach-ministries.org/

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving thanks

 think about it

Instead of honoring the traditional disrespectful distorted thanksgiving story we continue to tell in schools, I choose to focus today on just saying gracias. Thanks, Tlazocamati. 

I give thanks to Creator, the Mystery, the Source, the Light
I give thanks for my Spirit guides, ancestors, and angels.
I give thanks for my teachers, mentors, and path finders on this Good Red Road.
I give thanks for my Beloved, my treasured gift, the one who shares my daily life with love, commitment, and passion. Not always an easy task.
I give thanks for mi familia in Tejas, Dios de bendiga
I give thanks for my special way of seeing and experiencing the world  with Aspergers
I give thanks for all my Beloveds I call sisters and brothers who have crossed my path on this journey, blessings. 
I give thanks for the four legged and winged ones in my life.
I give thanks for my home, work, and many blessings of my daily life. 
I give thanks for social justice workers who keep the stories alive and keep fighting the hard fight for dignity and justice. 
I give thanks for the true change makers who walk daily challenging bigotry at every turn. 
I give thanks for our govt. leaders who truly are representatives for the people.
I give thanks for the Latino community for staying together, using our vote, its been a tough road.
I give thanks for the artists, creative brothers and sisters who tell the stories that need to be told in cloth, on walls or canvas, in spoken word or song, in gardens, kitchens, and classrooms. 

 I give thanks for health, joy, laughter, true love, honesty, courage, faith, commitment, passion, and dreams that do come true!

May the places you visit in Spirit and body today be welcoming to you and yours. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Crow medicine, omen of change

While driving toward home in Tejas a crow crossed directly in front of the windshield and startled me. It was enough of a jump to remind me that I needed to be prepared for my visit. I began to remember that crow medicine is about healing and change in consciousness. It can bring about a new reality it can rid us of "dis-ease" or illness and is ever present in the circle. Little did I know I was on my way to one of the greatest healings of my life, a gift I prayed for but could have never imagined.

Crows are the guardians of ceremonial magick and healing. They dwell in the place of no space or time, are territorial, and wont give up the fight. If crow has crossed your path, you need to be willing to walk your talk and speak your truth. If crow keeps crossing your path then its really time for you to use your voice to "caw" if you will; especially at things you may feel are unjust or where others have no voice. The call of the crow is powerful.

The drive was beautiful and I prepared for my visit with intention. I had a wonderful visit with the familia and stepped into my new reality with love and peace. Healing where I thought there could be none. Laughter and sharing a meal can be the best medicine. Gracias and blessings to all my Beloveds and how we grew closer to one another and discovered a new way of being with one another. 

If crow crosses your path be willing to shape shift that old self for a new reality. Embrace the change, use your voice, and walk confidently on your path.
thank you, gracias, tlazocamati

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Feliz Dia de los Muertos! Remembering the Ancestors

Day of the Dead Doll House, Sabrina Zarco(c) 2010

This is my Day of the Dead Doll House for 2010. I usually make an art quilt but I have been on the road doing workshops. I am now getting ready to do a presentation for one of the high schools in the area so I am doing a re post of the dia de los muertos information  link below.

My beloved nephew and family are looking to create their own celebration this year! Hope this helps mijo and I hope to be in Htown next week. If you can get over to the Heights check out one of my teachers who always has community exhibits. Casa Ramirez on 19th Street for all things Mexican especially dia de los muertos. abrazos, paz y amor

Detail Day of the Dead Doll House, Sabrina Zarco(c) 2010

Link to Dia de los Muertos information on this blog:

Monday, October 04, 2010

subtle racism hurts

Racism is a Weapon

So many times we think of racism as the "out loud and in your face" kind of thing. For me, I find the most painful form of racism is the subtle, sometimes intentional or clueless comments directed toward me. The bottom line is that racism is racism, no matter how it is served up.

I chose to re-purpose a vintage tablecloth I found in the thrift store. Its sweet flowers and simple design reminded me that the subtle kind of racism is served at the table with a smile and most times you don't see it coming. And maybe that is why it hurts so much.


It’s the subtle comments, like a thousand little wounds, that can leave me bleeding to death. If I don't recognize it for what it is and get some kind of validation and support, I fear it could lead to health issues. That is what I read in a report; it stated, “Women of color often suffer more from health and mental heath issues when subjected to subtle racism in the workplace."

The center of the artwork is dedicated to protection and the Warrior Spirit it takes to keep moving through the generational racism that continues today. Outside of that section are weapons I chose to embroider in traditional Redwork technique. The quotes are actually statements that people have said to me over the years. I am sorry to say that some of them are oldies that keep on repeating. " Really, I dont see color, I'm color blind." "Do you speak Mexican?" "One of my best friends is Latina." "Where were your parents born?" "You Latinas are so sexy and can really dance." " Do you make tortillas?" " You speak English so well." And many others.

Sometimes when these things are said I take a deep breath, try to control the look of shock on my face, all the while thinking, “Oh, No! She did not just say that!” and then I assess the situation and the inevitable ripple effect. Who might get it next if I don’t speak up now? Will I just let this one slide because I am so tired of it all? When I can muster up the wherewithal, I take the teachable moment and have a dialogue with the commenter. Once again assuming the role of educator with my unassuming perpetrator. Other times I take the hit and just look for a place to nurse my wounds with some kind of dignity.

The border is a patchwork of bright "happy" vintage reproduction prints, symbolizing the patched possibilities. I do this kind of work because there were those that came before me that walked the fire. Now it’s my turn, and one day I pray that my grandson won't have to hear these words spoken to him. On the patchwork border are facts about racism. It has a history. It is taught and learned. Racism kills the human Spirit. My warrior cries are also on the border. Cries to dismantle systemic and institutional injustice, to promote dignity and respect and to embrace human differences. And my signature on this work reads, "this was created by a wise Latina". Gracias

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Feliz Dia de Grito!

The Grito de Dolores/Cry of Dolores was the battle cry of the Mexican War of Independence also known as El Grito de la Independencia /Cry of Independence on September 16, 1810 by Miguel Hidalgo  y Costilla, a Roman Catholic priest from the small town of Dolores near Guanajauato.

Today 200 years later I show you my grito. This work is called Everything But the People and its a part of an exhibit on racism that will be traveling the U.S. The exhibit opens  in Chicago at the Facing Race Conference and will then travel with the Mancuso line of exhibits for the next two years.

Bigotry comes from injury and is taught. Only by shedding light on institutional and generational racism in the U. S and acknowledging the damage it creates can we begin to dismantle racism for all. Seize the opportunity to affect change.

This artwork speaks to generational injustice. Our Mexican vacation spots, food, music, fiestas and culture are used in marketing, pop culture, party themes and Halloween costumes. Yet it is our people that are rejected and treated as slaves in work camps, denied basic human rights, and considered reasonably suspicious just for “looking illegal”.

No matter your political stance every human being is a Divine Human Spirit who deserves dignity and respect. The Mestiza people are descendants of the First People of this country. Moving across man made borders before they existed like the migration of birds and butterflies.

Until comprehensive immigration reform is achieved, families living on this side of the man made border for generations and those undocumented will continue to endure the ripples of racism. Still we rise up and stand with pride and hope that universal dignity and love will overcome. Si se puede!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

International Textile Biennial San Jose, Costa Rica

"Ritmo Latino"  has been juried into an exhibition curated by Dr. Carolyn L. Mazloomi. The exhibition titled "Beyond Category: Visions of Jazz in Fiber." will be featured at the International Textile Biennial (San Jose, Costa Rica) and the University of Costa Rica (Limon) from September 7 to October 12, 2010. I am honored to be a part of this exhibit.

"Ritmo Latino/Latin Rhythm"
(c) Sabrina Zarco 2010

The rhythm of individuals was a big part of inspiration for this work as well as my love for dancing and music, all kinds of music. In our company, Contigo Learning Experience Inc., we have been using percussion instruments as part of our experiential process with great results. Music has such healing qualities, invokes playfulness, and releases inhibitions. Something about a drum circle that allows each person to be a part of the big picture in their own way and its just great fun!

I was disappointed that my day job and personal business didn't allow time for me to attend this show and teach some classes. Thanks for the invitation Dr. Mazloomi, maybe next time. I am honored to be a part even if I cant be there. Now back to the studio, to put on some music and dance!

Monday, August 09, 2010

New Mexico in bloom

A recent trip to Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, and Albuquerque

Nature's inspiration says it all, color, texture, shape!

Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul. ~The Koran

The Amen of nature is always a flower. Oliver Wendell Holmes


Earth laughs in flowers. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Where flowers bloom so does hope.  Lady Bird Johnson

Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed. Walt Whitman

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cadillac Ranch in Tejas

Off of Route 66 near Amarillo Tejas a few yards from the highway...

is a cow pasture with a row of planted Cadillacs from 1949-1963.

Stanly Marsh and the San Francisco based Ant Farm Art Collective first planted the Cadillacs in 1977 representing the "Golden Age". The ten graffiti-covered cars are half-buried, nose-down, facing west "at the same angle as the Cheops' pyramids."  

Visitors are encouraged to make their mark on the cars making this an ever changing artwork.

The cars are covered with ever mutating layers of spray paint graffiti as visitors of all ages  visitors add their mark. Mother Earth adds some wind, sun, and rain to create unique landscapes of textures on each car.

 At first I  was a bit put off at the cast off paint cans that litter the walk through the pasture. After listening to the work , drinking in the layers of color shape and texture, I too was taken with the spell of being a part of the art.

Each of us yearns to make some kind of mark while walking the Red Road of life so that we don't feel we are invisible or have walked in vain. So I added my mark just as my walk in life, over those that came before, and destined to be marked over by those who come after.
Some how just knowing we have added our marks as part of the experience is satisfying.


Paz y Amor

Monday, July 05, 2010


Doors near the Thubten Norbu Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center, Santa Fe

Door to The Pink Adobe Restaurant and Dragon Room Bar, Santa Fe

Doors from grounds of El Santuario de Chimayo

Doors leaving St. Francis Cathedral Basilica, Santa Fe

Doors are symbols of communication. Whether it is a closing door to something you leave behind or an opening door to new adventures. Doors that are closing keep you inside of yourself. Doors opening welcome and invite you to open your self to new experiences.  Each one brings a lesson and each one has its own risks.

One year ago I took a step and opened the door to myself. I had locked myself away so long ago that I forgot what if felt like to step outside and feel the sunshine on my face and the smell of flowers in the wind. I thought I was open and growing but it was a slow painful growth. Like when you bring a plant indoors for the winter and its just not the same as when it drinks the first rain of spring outside your window. It looks brighter, stands taller and suddenly sprouts new growth. It was like that for me.

So I took off the self imposed locks on my heart and I surrendered to the Greater Good.  I was afraid, vulnerable, and oh so out of control. For me a great leap to let go but I finally understood that as long as I stood in my own way, trying to direct my own path, and working against my better interest by making wrong choices in people, places and work  I would stay locked inside. I could no longer stay there nursing my wounds, it was time to embrace the healing.

On the outside everything looked fine but behind that door I was lonely and miserable in everything in my life. Wounded by a great loss and unable to find a safe place, only temporary places that proved not to be genuine. As an Aspie life is already a challenge and sometimes outside influences get the best of me. I found the courage to let go and trust myself in spite of age old records of people in my life saying I cant. I shut off the LPs, tapes, 8 tracks, and CDs. As one of my teachers says, be wary of people's good intentions, they are not always with you in mind".

In the surrender of letting go I felt a physical release as I opened the door to my soul. One year later and I have never been happier in my life. Not that all my challenges suddenly left me or magically I am a new person. Its more like that gentle rain washing over me and the door moves easily instead of stuck and creaking. Its how I walk through the doors of life that has changed eagerly anticipating the next rain shower of challenges and rewards. I found myself again. I reclaimed the life I once lived but with new eyes always moving forward and no looking back.

Open the door to yourself. Don't listen to the voices that tell you how to open it, when to open it , and who to let in. Its your choice let go and surrender to yourself. Walk through the next door of your path and welcome the challenge.