"Ritmo Latino" has been juried into an exhibition curated by Dr. Carolyn L. Mazloomi. The exhibition titled "Beyond Category: Visions of Jazz in Fiber." will be featured at the International Textile Biennial (San Jose, Costa Rica) and the University of Costa Rica (Limon) from September 7 to October 12, 2010. I am honored to be a part of this exhibit.
"Ritmo Latino/Latin Rhythm"
(c) Sabrina Zarco 2010
The rhythm of individuals was a big part of inspiration for this work as well as my love for dancing and music, all kinds of music. In our company, Contigo Learning Experience Inc., we have been using percussion instruments as part of our experiential process with great results. Music has such healing qualities, invokes playfulness, and releases inhibitions. Something about a drum circle that allows each person to be a part of the big picture in their own way and its just great fun!
I was disappointed that my day job and personal business didn't allow time for me to attend this show and teach some classes. Thanks for the invitation Dr. Mazloomi, maybe next time. I am honored to be a part even if I cant be there. Now back to the studio, to put on some music and dance!