Monday, August 15, 2011

Venado Blanco...White Deer Medicine

Venado Blanco (c) Sabrina Zarco 2011

The summer heat changes the air around the trees and the creek is eerily silent. I live surrounded on three sides by trees and wildlife. Lately outdoor visions and movements seem dream like as we are slowly drained of our energy. I had to do a double take on the way to work one morning as I left the driveway. I looked up and saw a 5pt buck and doe standing on the asphalt of the cul de sac. I have to admit my first thought was who put the fake Christmas deer in the road? Then I realized they are real and were just as stunned looking back at me. And like a cheesy commercial lovers moment we lock eyes, no breathing, and then they turn into wisps of fog as they fade into the woods.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

What a doll!

One of my favorite things to do is go treasure hunting, antiquing, thrift store shopping, visit estate sales and sometimes garage sales. Its about the entire process and the unexpected treasure you find on the journey. Looking for tesoritos that as my Beloved says,"tickle my eyes". I look for things that inspire, to add to my artwork, home collections or just appreciate. I like to find patterns in things and listen to the stories each item holds. A recent trip had me fascinated with dolls. These munecas were filled with stories about how they were loved, not loved, cast out or treasured. They sat in displays and I could hear them shouting out to be seen. Life is about the stories. The ones we experience, hear or create. So here I honor the small simulated human forms that caught my eye for one reason or another. I shine light on their stories and challenge you to stop and listen to the story of the one that catches your eye.