Saturday, July 26, 2008
the journey

Sunday, July 13, 2008
slow down and bring it together

My job has taken me into the classroom once again and listening to young children brings messages. Their voices speak the truth, not yet quite shut down to their Spirit. It shows in their art and conversations at play.They see the world and report to us like a mirror reflecting not only the good but the paths that may bring challenges. And for some, they speak of things ones so young should not have to carry.
It reminds me to stay in touch with nature, simple kindness, and how to reach out to one another at our most basic human level. We can get so caught up in the challenges of life that sometimes we forget that it can be powerful to slow down, be kind to self, laugh, play,and prepare to grow. Its healing to remember the freedom, creativity, and beauty in being all of who we are untouched by the colonization of our lives.
I am thankful for this time with the children. It has brought me many lessons; learning to be OK with my silence, to be open, and to value listening. Children bring messages and teach us lessons we may have forgotten. tlazocamati
Monday, July 07, 2008
The creative process and work
I am happy to say that this work as also found a home in a wonderful activist family! This work speaks to those who use the sewing machine to routinely assemble clothing that many cant afford to purchase. They are often working in unsafe conditions.
For me the sewing machine is part of my creative journey and using it for work; not being able to freely create would be a painful process for me. There was a time when I had to supplement my income buy providing gift shops with several of the same item in various colors. It was difficult to find any joy in the process and I found that after a time the work began to show my lack of passion.
Fortunately for me I have found other ways to supplement and can keep the creative flow sacred. For me it truly is about the process and the healing it brings me. I hope to get to my clean studio soon to work. My shedding process is almost done and deadlines are fast approaching.